
This is the fifth piano solo release of 2024 by Hovig Nassanian. He explains: “This is a commissioned composition from the giveaway contest I ran last month for my listeners. The winner this year was Helen Nicolaou from Nicosia. She asked me to write a piece dedicated to her 4-year-old son, Johnny.

Writing music about someone you don’t know can be quite challenging, but Helen gave me a good picture of what her son is like and the things he is fascinated by. ‘He is a handful! He loves sea creatures, especially whales. He also likes cars and dinosaurs and loves dancing too,’ she wrote.

A very good starting point! I imagined Johnny having an adventure with his favourite creatures in his imaginary world. There is a musical narrative there, and a sub-narrative. You will hear them as you listen to the track.

When I sent the draft recording to Helen, she said she loved it. Now, the real test will be when Johnny listens to it on 31 May. If the music takes him on a journey and makes him dance around the room, I will be more than satisfied. It’s been a pleasure making music for this special young man!

Johnny released on 31 May 2024 on all online music platforms. You can find the links to listen to it on your preferred music service here.